MLOL Media Library OnLine

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Media Library Online is the first digital lending platform for all public and university libraries’. Thanks to MLOL ebook can be loaned (recently published fiction and nonfiction of Italian publishers) to be read on PC or on mobile devices. Roma Tre users’may request up to 5 monthly loans of ebook (60 yearly), included 20 intra-system loans per year.

Since October 2022 are also available on an experimental basis:

  • audiobooks in Italian: in download, length of the loan 28 days, 2 loans per week, publishers Emons, E/O, Feltrinelli, Laterza etc., unrestricted number of concurrent users;
  • audiobooks in foreign languages: in streaming, length of the loan 30 days, unrestricted number of concurrent users;
  • film: in streaming, length of the loan 24 hours, all film genres of Italian and foreign production from years 40 to 2014.

Two million of digital objects open access such as maps, sheet music, e-learning, audio and video resources are also available. They can be downloaded without affecting the number of annual loans.

Many contents are in an accessible format for blind and partially sighted persons certified LIA (Accessible Italian Books)

To enter the platform, please use uniquely the bottom IDEMGARR and your personal account (GOMP/Roma3pass): costs of the loan service are borne by SBA.

A tutorial (Italian version) of the service is available.

Luigi Torresi 24 October 2023