Electronic resources

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University’s libraries provide many useful databases and e-book, it is possible to choose among a wide range of electronic resources online depending on individual needs. The instruments available are:

  • List that allow access to native platforms for each resource: all the databases, magazines on-line from major publishers, the large e-book collection bought by the University Library System (SBA), a selection of free or open access resources by link to specific interfaces and information on the access are available as following:
  • Electronic resources, alphabetical list (Italian version)
  • Electronic resources, list by categories (Italian version)
  • Ongoing Trials (Italian version)
  • Roma Tre Discovery : you may consult at once either online resources or resources available in libraries by the same search engine (for further information on databases not available through Roma Tre Discovery , check out the aforementioned link)
  • Online magazines: search engine within Roma Tre Discovery specifically designed for online magazines;

Access to electronic resources is available from any Internet connected computer either on University or remotely by entering with your personal account Roma3Pass.The use of electronic resources as regards authorized users, means of access, is subject to licenses signed by the University and publishers or providers. For further information on terms of use or malfunctioning please contact your reference library or send an e-mail to: biblioteca.virtuale@uniroma3.it

Luigi Torresi 24 October 2023